Lun - Joi: 09:00 - 16:00, Vin: 09:00 - 15:00, SAM SI DUM - INCHISMon - Thu: 09:00 - 16:00, Fri: 09:00 - 15:00, SAT AND SUN - CLOSEDLun - Jeu: 09:00 - 16:00, Ven: 09:00 - 15:00, SAM ET DIM - FERMÉMo - Do: 09:00 - 16:00, Fr: 09:00 - 15:00, SA UND SO - GESCHLOSSENПн - Чт: 09:00 - 16:00, Пт: 09:00 - 15:00, СБ-ВС: ЗАКРЫТОLUN - JUE: 09:00 - 16:00, VIE: 09:00 - 15:00, SÁB - DOM: CERRADO+4 0746 672 215office@optisan.roSTR CERBULUI NR. 2,SĂLAJ, ZALĂUCERBULUI STREET NO. 2,SĂLAJ, ZALĂUCERBULUI STRASSE NR. 2, SĂLAJ, ZALĂURUE CERBULUI NO. 2, SĂLAJ, ZALĂUCERBULUI УЛИЦА № 2,SĂLAJ, ZALĂUCALLE CERBULUI NO. 2, SĂLAJ, ZALĂU

Testimonials from patients

We thank all our patients who have shared their experience at the Optisan Clinic with others and recommend us further. We invite you to meet them!

Cristi’s story is one of the most moving stories I have experienced at Clinica Optisan.

Mircea is 32 years old and was diagnosed with divergent strabismus as a child.

As a child, she discovered that she could not see with her right eye, and after several ophthalmological investigations, she was diagnosed with amblyopia.

Amblyopia in children – patient from Arad at Optisan Clinic

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – Andrei, one of the most serious patients

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – Kinga underwent the treatment successfully

Amblyopia Adults – 30-year-old patient with strabismus and amblyopia

Child with amblyopia (lazy eye) treated with the help of visual therapy at the Optisan Clinic

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – Bogdan chose Optisan Clinic and made the winning choice

The patient with amblyopia from Suceava and a father satisfied with the results

37-year-old patient with strabismus improved her vision with the help of vision therapy

Amblyopia Adults – 19-year-old patient at the Optisan Clinic

Amblyopia patient from Vaslui – A father satisfied with the results of the visual therapy

6-year-old amblyopia patient from Bucharest

Patient with amblyopia (lazy eye)

Patient with bilateral amblyopia from Bucharest and a very emotional and satisfied mother

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – Isabella came from Sweden to the Optisan Clinic

Amblyopia Treatment (Lazy Eye) – Teamwork Brings Extraordinary Results!

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patient from Craiova who follows visual therapy

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patient from Bucharest recovered his sight in Zalău

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – 37-year-old patient

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – the patient who recovered her vision from 20% to 90%

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patient from Suceava

Treatment of amblyopia – the patient who practices performance sports

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – 7-year-old patient

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patients from Salaj county

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patient from Ploiesti

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – twin patients

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patient from Bihor county

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – patient from Salaj county

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – 38-year-old patient

Treatment of Amblyopia (lazy eye) – the smallest patient (Salaj county)

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) – How patients learned about vision therapy

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye) 7-year-old patient, Salaj county

Other testimonials


Since 2010 we are faithful patients of Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru and Optisan Clinic. We are extremely satisfied with the medical services at Optisan, with the attention we received from Dr. Dimitriu and all the staff here, but especially with the fact that my little boy, who had serious ophthalmological problems, is very well after the treatments he received. Thank you, Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru, you are a true professional for whom the patient is the most important.

Iosif Gal

7 years ago I almost lost my left eye due to an infection, I was first treated by a doctor at the County Hospital but without success. After two successive hospitalizations during which I had no clear diagnosis and my health worsened, I panicked and decided to look for another doctor. On the recommendation of a colleague I went for a consultation with Mr. Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru, OPTISAN Zalau clinic. During the consultation he explained that the infection had covered 85% of my eyes, he took the risk to treat me, the treatment was successful and has not recurred since. During the consultation and especially when I was under treatment and regular checkups Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru proved that he is a doctor who respects his oath, that he is a man who vibrates to the needs of his fellow men, treating his patients carefully, with the same dedication, worthy of the medical profession. He works with the soul, with the mind, with a master’s hand, I recommend this clinic to everyone and especially Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru, for his soul and energy.
Personally, I express my gratitude to Mr. Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru that I was not left with a lifelong disability.
Thank you!

Nagy Zsolt

I would start with thousands of thanks that I owe to Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru!!!For those who are bored to read more lines, I say it is worth listening to my story.I met him about 2 years ago.At the age of 20, in the past I had serious eye problems.It all started from a simple itch, I didn’t pay attention to it, but day by day the disease got worse and worse, usually at night: terrible itching, then I felt as if I had a foreign body in my eyes, it stung me terribly, I had itching and swelling very hard.In the morning I looked as if someone had beaten me!After a year of going from one doctor to another, even abroad (I was living abroad), a relative recommended Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru.He praised him so much that he convinced me to go home and try…I said maybe this time someone can cure me…I called for an appointment and on that date I went for a check-up.I didn’t have high hopes, you can imagine…but…hope dies last!I arrived, a very nice and polite nurse took me to the waiting room and I met the doctor.I told him everything in detail, he listened to every last detail.He saw me hopeless, tired, distressed and told me something that touched my heart: – “I won’t leave until I cure you”.This was the first gesture, which made me think that this man, doctor, is different from others!!!And from here I can say: NEW LIFE!!!After much work and the extraordinary patience he showed, he cured me!I being abroad I could not go to monthly checkups and we still keep in touch by phone…can you imagine…a doctor talking to a patient on the phone…This was the second gesture with which this angel of a man (Dimitriu Alexandru) impressed me!!!And nowadays I keep in touch with the dancer by phone, and when I help at home and in person!I maintain that we became friends as a result of this real life story, which I lived!I reserve the right to say that he is the best doctor in this field!!!I recommend him with the greatest sincerity!!!Once again:THANK YOU FROM THE HEART Mr. DOCTOR! With respect:Nagy Zsolt-Attila.

Tibor Peter – Varsolt

I have a 5 year old daughter and since she was one year old she has had problems with one eye. I am very honest and I say that I have been for four years to over 10 doctors in Zalau and Cluj but the problem of the girl was not solved, On the recommendation of an acquaintance, I reached Mr. Dimitiriu doctor just before Christmas and I do not know how to express how well he did. After so many years of going to doctors, I finally got a correct diagnosis and the girl was treated and in two weeks of treatment the problem was solved. Mr. Dr Dimitiru said from the first what he has and what needs to be done and I will heartily recommend him to all my acquaintances.
Thank you doctor and may God give you good health.

Kovasc Maria – Panic, county. Salaj

I came to Dr. Dimitriu in 2013, when the little girl was 6 years old, on the recommendation of several acquaintances. I wanted to consult the little girl because I noticed that when she was watching TV she kept her head to one side, with her neck twisted. We reached Dr.Dimitiru and thanks to him we found out that the girl has neurological problems. Mr. Dr. Dimitriu referred us to the neurologist who confirmed that the girl has a neurological condition. The neurologist said that if Dr. Dimitriu had not discovered the disease and sent us to the neurologist, the little girl could have been disabled.
Therefore, we can only thank the doctor from the bottom of our hearts, especially since we found out that the disease was from birth and how many doctors we have visited in Cluj since she was 5 months old, none of them found neurological disease.
May God give you good health, doctor. Thank you!

Püsok Izabella

The best Ophthalmologist Doctor!!!He managed to cure my friend after many years when other doctors (and abroad) gave up!!!Respect Dr. Dimitriu Alexandru!!! I recommend him to everyone with the utmost confidence!!!With love:Izabella


Mr. Dimitriu was met by a doctor from Cluj. I needed a correction for one of my eyes. Dr. Dimitriu examined me with all his resources and recommended me to wear a pair of glasses made according to a prescription that Dr. Dimitriu considered that 100% will be done without any other problems, appliances or exercises. I had to wear glasses for a month and a half. I wore the glasses every day for a month and a half and then went for a check-up to see the result, and after the examination the correction of the problem eye was done in full.

Thank you Dr Dimitriu.

Cristian Mateș

I know a good one. The doctor who explains knows his stuff. Dr. Dimitriu does not shy away from explaining and thus immediately gained my trust. I have two daughters, and I went to the doctor with both of them. The little one had some kind of “cyst” on her eyeball and we freaked out. Regular checks, monitoring, drops – problem solved. No panic, no cost, no unnecessary interventions and medication.

With my older daughter (myopia) I made all the mistakes I recommend not to make. I first went to a glasses shop, not to a specialist ophthalmologist like Dr Dimitriu. Then, as the Zalawan does, we went to Cluj and were told that he didn’t need glasses. One year the child was without glasses during which he increased his diopter by -1 and could not see at the blackboard from the first bench. Until a friend, a pediatrician, recommended him to us. The problem has stabilized and recently, instead of changing lenses to -2.5, through a ten consecutive days of exercise with the Amblionet program the myopia went back to 0.5 and we stayed with the current lenses. We are optimistic and feel that the situation is under control.

Thank you,
Cristian Mateș

Cristea Anamaria

Very pleased with Mr Doctor and the whole team. A medical professional who knows what he is talking about and does not make empty promises of cure or relief. I am a dance patient and I am very happy with the results. Thank you Doctor for everything. Respectfully. Anamaria Cristea.

Bob Simona

I highly recommend Dr.Dimitriu Alexandru!
Thank you for everything you do for us Dr. Dimitriu!


I arrived at Dr. Dimitriu with a pain in my left eye for quite a long time. The dancer after a quick analysis detected a piece of metal in the eye (from Flex). I mean another doctor didn’t notice this. Dr. Dimitriu was able to remove this piece with a drill and his golden hand, without any pain, without any further complications afterwards. Thank you very much.

Anca Pîgleșan

I came to the consultation following a recommendation for the professionalism with which patients are treated. At the time, the person who made my recommendation had not had the superb results she has today!

At first I called to discuss my condition (external nerve paresis in my left eye), to avoid an unnecessary trip to Zalău. Obviously I was taken very seriously, the emailed documents were actually read through, not just forgotten somewhere in my Inbox…and I was directed to come in for a consultation.
In addition to professionalism and punctuality, the kindness of these PEOPLE shines through, from the ladies who answer the phone or show you to the waiting room to the doctors. Congratulations!

The first visit was as complex and detailed as possible. I got the impression that there was interest in doing something about my case…and I don’t even know how many hours I’ve talked about it.
The doctor is as careful as possible to explain to the patient’s understanding absolutely everything about his condition! Fantastic how much patience and tact can…
I was presented with the options very realistically and decided to start doing what I was told.

This past week I came in to check if my eye is responding to the exercises indicated.
The first day I didn’t even see the figures I was supposed to be working with? We were perceiving two different screens, one for each eye?
Mrs. Daniela is a real psychologist! If it weren’t for her encouragement, I don’t know how this week would have gone…
Well, I ended up at the end of the week doing 100% of the exercises, I improved my hand-eye coordination, I’m much better at the balance part and we managed to move the eye a few degrees towards the correct position.
My joy was enormous and Mr. Doctor and Mrs. Daniela did not hesitate to express their delight!!! ?
The adventure is just beginning, I know that, but it’s encouraging how much we’ve achieved in just five days!

How do they describe their experience at Optisan?
Enormous professionalism and patience with patients, punctuality and a superb familiarity – which helps so much with patients who don’t come well here…

Luiza Sfetcu

The great experience at the Optisan clinic in Zalău. Professionalism combined with passion and soul bear fruit in the treatment of amblyopia in children. Thanks to Dr. DImitriu, to the psychologist Daniela Fizesan and to the whole team, who gave us hope for our son’s recovery and strengthened our hope during the time spent in the clinic. Rapid improvement in vision gives us hope for an extremely good percentage recovery. Thank you. Edi and Luiza

Nora Pop

I had a pleasant experience at the Optisan Clinic.

My 6 year old daughter was diagnosed in Cluj, by several doctors, with Convergent Strabismus and Amblyopia media accommodativa and I was told that, after the age of 6 years, nothing can be done to recover vision, since the child’s visual acuity was 70% in one eye and 30% in the other. I was advised, however, to have surgery to solve the aesthetic problem of the squinty eye.
Thanks to the treatment method and the exercises he did daily at the Optisan Clinic, he managed to achieve 100% visual acuity in both eyes in just one week!
We will continue with the home programme.
Thanks to the whole team, I will definitely recommend you!

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